This morning I took to the streets for Day 2, Week 2 of the C25k. Can I just say how much I LOVE seeing the sunrise while running? Seeing the sun peak over the horizon and make everything glow is just amazing.
Today's run was more challenging than Monday's. I went for a walk last night and my left foot was feeling great so I walked at a faster pace. When I woke up this morning I knew today's run would be hard. I took some ibuprofen before leaving to run. It was truly painful to even walk on it, but after the second run I didn't feel any pain. I should have known better than to push myself last night. I am still needing to find that balance between pushing myself and holding back.
And now to the weigh in...
-2.4 pounds!
It's roughly the same as last week, only this week I feel the difference. Does that make sense? My clothes fit a bit looser around the waist and I am seeing more of my collarbones (yes, I think I may have a slight collarbone obsession...they've been "hiding" for so long it's like discovering a new body part). This 2 pound deficit also put my weight at a different tenth digit. I don't think I'm going to reveal my weight, though. I am working on before pictures so the after pictures will have their true effect. More on those some other time.
I received disturbing family news yesterday. I am not at liberty to discuss it but it's already begun to test my resolve. After I heard the news, all I could think about was getting to McDonald's and slurping down a supersize sweet tea..or eating something, anything, mindlessly. Luckily, this house is stocked with nothing but healthy foods so I would have to leave the get the junk food. I didn't. I wanted to. Really bad. Instead of turning to food, where should I turn?? To the only Food the truly satisfies, the only Water that truly quenches. I am still learning to turn to God instead of food. I'm not there yet, but I am learning.
You are inspiring me and I appreciate your honesty and see the growth day by day. The Bread of Heaven and the Water of Life will be there day by day.