Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday Five: Happy Things

This morning I went for a walk, read, ate breakfast, read some more, perused the internet and knitted all before my dear little 2 year old woke up. It put me in good spirits. That's why I decided for the 'Friday Five' to list some things that make me happy.

Fun Mugs
Not fun "people" mugs, although those definitely have their place, but real mugs. Coffee Mugs. Oh yes, I am one of those people that would have mugs hanging from every cabinet in the kitchen. Sad to say, we don't go thrift storing or antiquing much so I don't have many. Maybe 3.

Hair Products
Mainly waxes and pomades. Gels, mousses and hairspray are okay but I love hair putty. It's gooey, messy and smells deli-sh. It's like play-dough for your hair. What's not to love?

Children's Poetry Until recently Michael and I have been reading storybooks, fiction and non, nursery rhymes, picture books, ABC books and, well, everything but poetry. I picked up a couple children's poetry collections from the library and was hooked. They are so much fun to read and make great partners with other storybooks. I have to read them at naptime and bedtime, no matter what other books get read.

Some women love shoes. Others love purses. Me? I love yarn. Yarn is like the promise of a new adventure. It's a colorful, multi-textured project a couple of needles away. Whether I'm working on a knitting project or not, I still keep a basket atop the shelf in our living room. Just to look at.

Moody Toddler
Even at her grumpiest, I find happiness in this little miracle. She's a joy to watch grow. Some moms say they want to slow down time when their kids are babies but not me. Nope, I like this age. She's just the right mix of "I do it I-self" and "I want to hold you" (which is her way of saying," I want you to hold me").

What's your "happy thing"?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for posting about something other than food, but in relation to the food journey. Your daughter is adorable. As for Shel Silverstein--You have great taste!


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